What are SQX's Values?

A Values-Driven Data Vendor

What you value will determine who you become. This is just as true for businesses as it is for people. That’s why we at SQX are committed to holding fast to a defined list of healthy values.

If a vision is the “What” and a mission is the “How,” our values are the “Why.” Why do we do what we do? What gets us out of bed every morning? SQX employees are selected because we share these same principles. As we go about our daily work, these six characteristics are the qualities that keep us anchored:

Mutual Support

At SQX, we’re committed to each other. We have a team mentality—we succeed together by helping one another. When one of us needs help, we ask for it! And we don’t look down on anyone who’s struggling. This also applies to our clients. When you have a question for us, we’ll listen. We respect you. We’re committed to helping you. You are our priority.


SQX is a company that can be counted on. Of course, we’ve all seen companies break their promises as soon as they become inconvenient. We want to do better. At SQX, we care so much about being reliable that we’re making this principal central to our identity.

When we make an agreement, we’ll stick with it. When we begin a project, we’ll work on it until it’s done. If a task becomes too big for one person, we count on each other to lend a hand. If we get coverage requests or price challenges, we’ll go all out to make sure they’re answered. We pursue these inquiries for as long as it takes to find the correct information. As long as it’s possible, we’ll find a way to make it happen. Just ask our clients—if we make a commitment, we keep it.


We want our customers to trust us. Of course, this can’t happen unless SQX is worthy of your trust. Therefore, we’ve committed to living out what we believe—as a company and as individuals. If we’ve been given a task, we’ll fulfil it. If we say we’ll do something, we’ll do it.

As much as we try to prevent them, mistakes sometimes happen. If we make a mistake, we’ll admit our mistake, explain what went wrong, then solve it. We’re committed to integrity—even when it hurts.

Continuous Improvement

SQX is dedicated to excellence. Of course, we think we’re already pretty good at what we do. But we’re never so effective that we can’t be doing better. We never want to be so self-confident that we’re blind to ways we can improve. We always have something to learn, and we won’t rest until we’re serving you as well as we possibly can.

As of today, we’re better than we’ve ever been. The process of tracking down data has never been smoother. We’ve increased our staff. We’ve expanded our product range. We’ve migrated our servers to the cloud, ensuring that our services are as reliable and available as possible. We’re integrating new technologies into our processes and system development, including A.I. The arrow of change at SQX is pointed upwards, but we’ll always look for new ways we can grow.


At SQX, we’ll treat you like an equal. We’ll make time for you, and make you feel important. We know you’re a human being, just like us. You matter.

For instance, sometimes we don’t understand how our clients or brokers operate—we’re more used to our own system! But we don’t automatically think our way is best. Instead, we keep an open mind and try to be as accommodating as possible. If we’re wrong, we’ll acknowledge it. If someone corrects us, we won’t get upset, we’ll get on it! Our goal is to serve you, not to be right.

Responsible Stewardship

Gifts. Trust. Responsibilities. Resources. We recognize that we’ve been given a lot. Every time someone relies on SQX, they give us a torch to hold. We want to carry it well. Our aim is to ensure that we honor each other, our clients, and our leadership by taking care of the things they’ve entrusted to us. Stewardship, not selfishness. Responsibility, not carelessness.

A Commitment to You

Of course, none of these six values can exist in a vacuum. That’s why we need them all. Without one, the rest are hollow.

SQX is committed to being the best company we can be. For us, success isn’t measured by dollars, but by how well we’re serving you. The world of financial securities is in desperate need of a company with honor, with backbone, with compassion. SQX aims to be this company.

This is our commitment. Hold us to it.

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